Weekly Update for 02/02/2025
Sunday, February 02, 2025
Greetings and Happy February!
Our Ultimate Frisbee Knights celebrated their first win of the season in a game versus Carolina Friends! Kudos to Coach Scott and the players!
Congrats to the following seniors on their recent college acceptances:
- Malia Perera - James Madison University and East Carolina University
- Ben Courts - University of North Florida
On Friday we took our annual Staff Photo. We were thrilled to find a way to include Jill - each of us had a token of Jill adorning us in some manner. We know this will appeal to her puzzle-searching personality and we were very glad to come up with this special tribute. Jill may be transferring from the hospital to a rehab facility or home very soon. She will then have daily trips for radiation and other treatments. Jill’s husband has read her every card we’ve sent and he reports that she is able to tell him a bit about each sender. She has continued to make some gains this week in both speaking and right side mobility. As always, she is a hard worker and inspires us! When we shared the story of her first steps in an Upper School Morning Meeting the room erupted in applause.
We have early dismissal this Friday so that the faculty can prepare for conferences and our Saturday Open House. No lunch service that day!
11:30 - Purple
11:45 - MAPP
12:00 - Gold
12:15 - Middle Grades
This week is CLUB PREVIEW WEEK! (Try a club before signing up!) Check out some new options-
- Monday - Upper School - Farm Store Marketing & Product Development or Unheard History
- Tu/Wed/Th - Soccer Club (no preview-week sessions)
Official Club sign-up due NEXT Monday, February 10.
Here’s a link to all the details:
>>>https://www.camelotacademy.org/parents/ Scroll down to “Forms and Handouts.”
Summer Program sign-up is ongoing. We will be sharing this info with prospective families at our Open House next weekend so be sure to sign up soon for the programs you desire.: https://camelotacademy.jumbula.com/
Call to action - Open House Saturday, February 8 10 AM - Noon
Our annual Open House for both Prospective Families and current families moving to a new division is next Saturday (February 8) from 10 AM - noon. Will you help us spread the word? Please consider sending an email invite to friends you think may be interested.
Wellness Update:
Flu and flu-like illness has remained in our community with the full gamut of symptoms. Thanks for your continued vigilance in keeping students who are under the weather at home.
I hope you have a great week.
Friday, February 7 - Early Release (half day)
11:30 - Purple
11:45 - MAPP
12:00 - Gold
12:15 - Middle Grades
Saturday, February 8 - Open House, 10 AM-12 (see above)
Monday, February 10 - Achieve Portal opens with First Semester Reports
Tuesday, February 11/Wednesday February 12 – Purple Schedule Student Reflections for parents
Wednesday, February 12- Friday, February 14 – Family Conferences (no classes or on-campus activities)
Week of February 17 - 2nd Semester Clubs begin
Monday, February 17 - School Closed for President’s Day
Tuesday, February 18 - Picture Day- Make-ups and Senior Portraits