Greetings and HAPPY NEW YEAR!


I hope your family had a wonderful Winter Break. Our last days of school in 2024 were full of special sweet moments.  In addition to MAPP gingerbread house-making and pajama-time movies most of the school enjoyed singing holiday tunes out on the lawn.  Thanks to music teacher David, his students, and the fortuitously-timed visit of a dozen alums, the number of “performers” grew and grew.  The spontaneous, multi-age fun was a Camelot Wonder that created a lovely memory for us to share.  The many gifts and treats and cards our team received added to the festive spirit of the day.  We are deeply grateful for your many kindnesses.


Good News:

Our Class of 2025 has this good news of recent college acceptances to share:

-         Ben Courts - Miami University (Ohio) with an 84 K RedHawk Excellence Scholarship

-         Malia Perera - College of Charleston with 12K merit award

-         Donald Hite- Lees-McRae College- scholarships pending



Camelot’s Wonder Team returned last Thursday to plan everything from upcoming Semester Reports to detailed summer offerings.  We also did what we do best - work cooperatively and creatively - to adjust for the coming days when our office staffing will be different.

-         Wendy will be out Monday and Tuesday taking care of a family emergency.

-         Jill  suffered a “mild” stroke a week ago and although she is showing signs of excellent recovery (her right arm and hand were impacted) she will be working from home, on a partial schedule, for the coming days. 

I know you will want to send your thoughts and prayers to both Jill and Wendy during this time and they are most appreciative.  They both came in for a bit on Friday afternoon, which was an unexpected surprise! Their dedication to our school and desire to set us up for the next few days is another “wonder” - they are truly amazing people.

Logan and I - with the support of the full team - have a plan to cover the office basics for the next few days.  We appreciate your patience and assistance - we will be monitoring the phones, but instead of trying to answer incoming calls we will let the system take messages (which immediately forward via email to us).  Feel free to send Jill and Wendy emails as needed - please copy me so I can help them manage responses.

In the event of an URGENT/IMMEDIATE need to reach us – please text the school “hotline” 919-886-5792.





Regular Re-Enrollment - Option 1 - deadline is MONDAY (tomorrow)!


In the event of winter weather delays or closures at any time in the coming weeks we will send an All-School Email.  That is followed by posting announcements on WRAL and WTVD.  Please note that since our Camelot Family is composed of folks coming from multiple counties and many miles we urge you to always make the travel decisions that are best for your family and circumstances.



Ultimate and Fitness Athletes are reminded that this week is going to be notably cold.  Please dress appropriately for practices, including gloves for Ultimate players. Stay tuned for any weather-related needs to reschedule.





No Gardening Club on Monday, Jan. 6 (make-up was on Dec. 16).


Our Friday lunch vendor has been changed to Chop Stix.


Lunch orders for the coming week reflect orders that were placed before break, as previously communicated.  Orders placed during break were for the week of January 13 and beyond.  Please plan accordingly!


Upper School students have much going on the next two weeks as the first semester draws to a close.

-          In addition to cumulative tests, projects and activities, math and foreign language classes have exams (January 15 and 16) .  Exams are given in an extended time block (3 hours), are cumulative of the semester’s work, and weight 15- 20% of the final semester class average.

-         Please note that Spanish students will begin speaking exams THIS Friday, so they should begin their exam preparations on Monday. Students are encouraged to review semester notes and vocabulary. An exam guide, practice speaking prompts, and other review materials will be provided throughout the week.

-         Forge Your Path Google Classroom is very active right now, as many summer opportunities open their program enrollment in January. If your Upper School student hasn't checked it out recently, let them know it's worth a look!



Wellness Update:

As we return from gatherings and destinations far and wide please be mindful of keeping sick students at home and adhering to at least 24 hours of fever-free and GI-symptom free before attending.


I hope you have a great first full week of 2025!









Monday, January 6

- Classes Resume, first semester clubs and sports resume.


Wednesday, January 15

- Upper School Math Exams


Thursday, January 16

-         End of First Semester

-         Upper School Spanish, ELL and Latin Exams


Friday, January 17

School Closed for Teacher Work Day


Monday, January 20

School Closed for MLK, JR Day


January 21- 31

- Upper School X Schedule

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