Greetings and Happy December!


I hope your family had a wonderful fall break.


Thanks to all who turned out to make the Academic Fair a huge success.  It was an honor to share student work with you and to make some lovely memories together.


Congratulations to senior Temy Mohanan-Maselko who was accepted to the University of Mary Washington Honors Program with a 36 K Presidential Scholarship.



This is the time of year I refer to as “Interlude” - the time between Fall and Winter Breaks.  Although it is a short span on the calendar, we pack a lot in! Thank you for tuning into these Updates to stay up to date with all of it.




Monday is the due date for Second Semester paperwork.


Enroll in the Spain trip during the next few days to receive a special discount! Use code blackfriday2025 to get $500 off through Dec. 4. Enroll at and contact Ms. Charlotte regarding any questions at




ART CLUB IS CANCELED THIS THURSDAY - a make-up session will be run in January.



Calling All Parents: Share Your Career Journey with our Upper School!

We are excited to announce our upcoming Parent Careers Speakers Day and invite you to inspire our students by sharing your professional experiences! This event is a wonderful parent service opportunity during which our students can learn about various careers and the paths that lead to them.


Date: Tuesday, January 21st, 2025

Time: 30 - 45 mins.

Where: At Camelot Academy in-person or virtually

Class Times: 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm, 1:00pm and 2:00pm

Contact: Ms. Amy Shields at


Information you might share: how you were led to your career; general information about your career; specific information about your job position; education & training required; a typical day/week; what you like best/least; what academic skills you use most in your profession.


We also welcome speakers from outside our immediate school community. If you know someone whose career story would inspire and inform our students, we encourage you to share this opportunity with them and invite them to connect with us.




WE ARE PLANNING SUMMER ‘25 and would appreciate your input - HERE:





I hope you have a great week!









December 18-January 3 - School Closed for Winter Break


Monday, January 6 - Classes Resume

Wednesday, January 15 - Upper School Math Exams

Thursday, January 16

-         End of First Semester

-         Upper School Spanish, ELL and Latin Exams


Friday, January 17 - School Closed for Teacher Work Day

Monday, January 20 - School Closed for MLK, JR Day


January 21- 31 - Upper School X Schedule

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