Tuition, Fees, Financial Aid, Scholarships & Awards


Camelot Academy has a tiered tuition system. The following rates apply to the 2025-2026 school year:
KinderMAPP & Nature Start (Full Day): $14,900 (eligible for awards)*
Jr. & Sr. MAPP (grades 1-4): $18,090 (eligible for awards and merit scholarships)**
Middle Grades (grades 5-7): $20,650 (eligible for merit scholarships)
Upper School (grades 8-12): $21,710 (eligible for merit scholarships)


In addition to tuition, there is a one-time, New Student Enrollment Fee of $800. Re-enrolling students pay a $300 fee to hold their student's place for the coming year.

Semester fees (Fall & Spring) vary, (depending on grade level and whether or not the student is an American citizen) but range from $720 to $1,870 per semester.

Students who arrive at school between 7:30 AM and 8:10 AM are charged a $3 Before School Fee. Students who remain at school after 3:30 PM are charged an After School Fee which varies according to grade level and whether or not they made a reservation, but ranges from $12 to $20 per day. Before and After School Fees are totaled at the end of each month and parents are billed accordingly.

About 50% of the student body received some form of tuition discount. These discounts include sibling, early bird, merit scholarships, MAPP awards and financial aid.
* Siblings receive a 5% discount
* Tuition may be paid in full, by school-based installment plan (two or four payments) or with extended payments via Your Tuition Solution ( or 1-800-920-9777.

Financial Aid

Camelot Academy offers a limited amount of school-sponsored financial aid to qualifying families on a first come, first served basis. Interested families should request financial aid forms when they file their student's application. Completed forms should be submitted with copies of most recent 1040's for each wage earner in the family. Inquiries are acted upon once an application has been filed and the student visit is completed. A typical award for a family qualifying for financial aid is $1,000 to $2,000 off the annual tuition.


Camelot Academy has been approved by the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority (NCSEAA) to participate in the Opportunity Scholarship and ESA+ programs. More information is available here:

Merit Scholarships

The Chris De Carlo Scholarship, named for the father of Camelot's Founding Director, takes into account academic potential and financial need as well as artistic and/or athletic talent. Consideration is also given to standardized test scores, academic records, letters of recommendation and essays. This award ranges from $1,000 to $4,000 and is open to rising 4th through 11th grade students.

The Excalibur Scholarship is based on standardized testing completed during the admissions process. Students may qualify for this scholarship by scoring in the 95th percentile or higher on either the language arts or the math assessments. Each scholarship is $1,000 per year and open to rising 4th through 11th grade students.

The Round-Table Scholarship is also based on standardized testing done during the admissions process, but to qualify the student must score in the 98th percentile or higher for both math and language arts and be a Camelot student in good standing for at least one year. Round-Table Scholars receive a 50% tuition discount. Camelot supports only six Round-Table Scholars in any given year.

The Julian Stanley Scholarship, named for the talent-search pioneer, Dr. Julian Stanley, is a full-tuition scholarship. It is awarded to one newly enrolled Upper School (8th-11th grade) student per year. The successful candidate will have a 7th grade SAT score that meets or exceeds the criteria in each subtest category for the Grade Reception Ceremony at Duke TIP, in addition to being a Camelot student in good standing for at least one year.


The Great Beginnings Award is offered to incoming Kindergarten and first grade families. It is a flat $1,000 discount of the posted tuition for as long as the student remains at Camelot Academy. Limited availability — first come, first served.

All scholarships and awards are renewable, as long as the student maintains the same high level of academic performance and remains a student in good standing. Camelot Academy reserves the right to limit or cap the number of scholarships/awards given to a class, grade level or division of the school. All scholarships are available only at the time of enrollment for students entering at grade four or higher (except for the 'Great Beginnings' award for which only K-1 are eligible and the Round-Table, which requires a year of attendance). All students who enter the school in grades K through 3 are considered for a merit-based scholarship in the spring of 3rd grade based on nationally normed standardized testing administered in the spring of 3rd grade.

It is the policy and commitment of Camelot Academy that it does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, gender, religion, ethnic or national origin.

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