Multi-Age Progressive Primary (MAPP)

Students enter school with an innate sense of curiosity and desire to learn; the early grades at Camelot encourage and foster this love of learning. Towards this end, much learning is accomplished through hands-on, experiential activities.

MAPP stands for Multi-Age Progressive Primary. Children in our MAPP classrooms are not grouped by age, but by level of academic mastery; the three main groupings are KinderMAPP, Junior MAPP, and Senior MAPP. Students are able to move fluidly between classrooms and teachers across academic disciplines as their abilities and needs evolve. The fluid nature of class configurations contributes to a sense of cohesion between all MAPP students.

The foundational skills of reading, writing, and math are instilled in a way that addresses the strengths and needs of each student. Our small class sizes enable tailoring of content and teaching methods to each individual student’s needs and learning styles.

The MAPP curriculum also aims to develop character traits in students that will help them be successful both in and out of school. Traits such as trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship are instilled through activities, discussion, and reflection. Students are often recognized before the school community for exemplary behavior in these areas through the use of character awards.


Throughout the school, mathematics at Camelot is taught in a totally individualized manner. Children in the MAPP programs are given instruction and practice in mathematical reasoning, estimation, problem solving, technological tools, and manipulatives. Class projects include many hands-on activities such as weighing, measuring, and graphing using balances, clock dials, geometric solids, number cubes, pattern blocks, and play money. Since mastery-based learning is such a fundamental principle of Camelot, the children are taught and progress at their own rate of mastery, and as a result, the children assigned to a single classroom could be working on material at three or more different traditional grade levels. The advantage of this approach is that it allows students to strengthen any weak areas in their math foundation while moving more quickly ahead in the areas that come more easily.

Language Arts

Reading and writing should be enjoyable activities; MAPP classrooms provide ample opportunity for students to explore literature that they are interested in through the Accelerated Reader (AR) program, while also giving students the benefits of reading together as a group. We emphasize building vocabulary, integrating the best of phonics and whole language to develop reading skills.

Writing is strongly emphasized in MAPP classrooms; early writers are encouraged to use "invented" spelling to become comfortable with writing, but are gradually led to practice proper spelling in their writing. As the children progress, they are introduced to proper usage, mechanics, and grammar and often practice their writing in journals and reports. All students are introduced to the concept of research and reporting; MAPP students participate in Camelot’s yearly Academic Fair research project, which also provides practice in oral presentation skills.

Social Studies/Science

KinderMAPP students explore a variety of science and social studies concepts through activities, play, inquiry, and experiments. Students in Junior and Senior MAPP enjoy a two-year rotation of topics. One year the classes focus on physical science and U.S.-based social studies; the next year’s focus is on life science and world-based social studies. Students in all MAPP classes study topics including, but not limited to, life cycles, soil, weather, government, culture, and geography via projects, research, and experiments. These classes are taught in a more traditional, whole-group setting which fosters social skills such as group work, speaking, and listening.

Foreign Language

MAPP classes enjoy an introduction to World Languages during the school year. The approach fosters a multi-cultural awareness and enthusiasm. Abundant research supports the benefits of laying such an early foundation. Activities center around games and songs to introduce the students to the days of the week, numbers, and colors. Vocabulary topics are themed to coordinate with the inquiry units being taught in social studies and science. This approach helps make speaking another language comfortable and fun for students.

Performing Arts

Younger MAPP students explore a combination of singing, movement, and performance. As they move forward, simple instruments enhance students' understanding of melody as they imitate, compose, and improvise. Each year the students attend live performances that include ballet, symphony and other musical forms. In addition, MAPP students participate in the Evening of the Arts performance held in early May.

Computer Technology

Our computer technology program is designed to make students active in their education by fostering the development of confidence, independence and problem-solving abilities. Computer skills are integrated with our classroom studies. The topics of assigned projects come directly from the classroom curriculum. The skills we emphasize are word processing, graphics, publishing, databases and multimedia technology.

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