Civics X class has had a very eventful couple of weeks! We have had two North Carolina State Senators come to visit us at school: Senator Mike Woodard and Senator Floyd McKissick. Both gave some perspective on the political and practical considerations involved in shaping public policies; Senator McKissick talked about growing up in the Civil Rights Movement, during which his father, Floyd McKissick Sr., played a central role. Students also traveled to Raleigh on May 16 to witness the teacher rally; students asked to attend this event, and they got to hear public teachers' concerns first-hand while observing democracy in action. In addition, Camelot got some TV exposure when teacher Matt Wilhelm and student Eric Gavin were interviewed by CBS News 17's Angela Taylor! Finally, on Thursday, May 17, the class went to Durham City Hall with Amy's Middle Grades US History class to speak with Mayor Steve Schewel. The X schedule has been an amazing opportunity for Civics students to learn about American government in action!

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