Freshman Year Timetable

  • Take challenging courses to help build strong academic, language, mathematics and critical thinking skills.
  • Read! This will help strengthen your vocabulary.
  • Become involved in extracurricular activities. Take the lead when possible.
  • Keep an academic portfolio and a resume of your extracurricular activities.
  • Read through college literature and/or check the Web to get an idea of what kinds of schools may be of interest to you.
  • Check out college admission requirements.
  • Familiarize yourself with NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) requirements if you want to play Division I or II sports in college.
  • Research career possibilities. Take an on-line survey.
  • Save money for college.
  • Study and keep your grades up!

Sophomore Year Timetable

September Review transcripts and review GPA calculations. Sophomores receive the PSAT Practice Bulletin to prepare for the October PSAT. Stay active! Keep a resume of your extracurricular involvement, community service, and employment.


October Take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT) as practice to prepare for the SAT Reasoning Test. Prepare for October conferences. Bring questions to the table and use your conference to set yourself up for a productive school year.


November Stay "on top" of your academic work. If necessary, meet with your teacher for additional help.


December Prepare for semester exams.


January Keep studying! The College Foundation of North Carolina sponsors the College Financial Planning Meeting for interested parents.


February Explore/research colleges and universities. Visit your guidance office to browse through literature and guidebooks and check on the Web to view college and university home pages.


March Register for June SAT Subject Tests. These are one-hour exams testing you on academic subjects that you have already completed. The guidance office will steer you through this process. Continue to research career options and consider possible college majors that will help you achieve your career goals.


April ERB Standardized Testing preparation and testing.


May Plan summer activities. Consider taking a summer course or participating in a special program at a local college or community college. Consider working or volunteering. Prepare for semester exams.


June Take SAT Subject Tests if they were recommended. Continue to save money for college.


July During the summer, you may want to sign up for a PSAT/SAT prep course, use computer software, or complete the practice tests in books to become familiar with standardized tests.


August Stay active throughout the summer. Continue reading to increase your vocabulary


Junior Year Timetable

September Juniors review transcripts and review how to calculate their GPAs. Juniors receive the PSAT Practice Bulletin to prepare for the October PSAT. Juniors receive the College Handbook to review.


October All juniors take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/ National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Juniors must attend at least three college visits at Camelot and one college fair off campus in the fall. Attend evening and weekend college information sessions. Be prepared for October conferences. Grades are critical this year!


November Continue to visit with colleges by attending information sessions and open houses. Save your best work in academic courses for your academic portfolio (all year).


December Study hard to prepare for semester exams.


January Junior Class meetings begin and are held weekly with the Guidance Counselor throughout the second semester. Computers will be used to set up accounts with The College Board for SAT testing, ACT and College Foundation of North Carolina. All of these organizations have very helpful websites that have many resources for students and parents. The College Foundation of North Carolina sponsors the College Financial Planning Meeting for interested parents.


February Juniors receive the nine-paged Autobiography to complete over the next month. The purpose of this form is to help the juniors really think about themselves and it gives them an opportunity to share detailed and specific information with the Guidance Counselor. Juniors will also complete the Preliminary List form. The Guidance Counselor will use the responses from this form to generate an individualized list of 30-50 colleges for each junior to research over the summer. Juniors will register for standardized testing.


March College Night for junior parents. Continue weekly Junior Class meetings with the Guidance Counselor. Juniors receive practice bulletins for the upcoming ACT test. Specific test instructions are discussed. The completed Autobiography is due after spring break. All juniors will complete either a College Options paper form search or an online College View search. Parents and students should use the results of the initial college search lists to make some tentative plans about which colleges to consider and use Spring vacation to make initial visits to some of those colleges. Such considerations as academic programs, geographic location, size, campus facilities and overall cost should be part of this preliminary survey.


April ACT Assessment testing for all juniors. Juniors are required to begin their College Resume. The Guidance Counselor will go through the College Track Rubric in detail with the junior class. Juniors prepare for the May SAT standardized test.


May SAT Reasoning Test for all juniors. Advanced Placement Tests are administered during two weeks in mid-May. Discuss requirements for the summer.


June SAT Subject Test for many juniors. Junior family conferences will be held with the Guidance Counselor. The student, parents, and Guidance Counselor discuss a range of colleges that match the student's career plans, interests, and abilities. A copy of the preliminary college list will be provided, as well as an unofficial transcript. By the end of the junior year all juniors should be prepared to thoroughly research their preliminary college lists by investigating college websites, requesting view books, catalogues and application materials. Juniors should also make plans for summer college visits and schedule interviews. Juniors need to complete all items on the College Track Rubric and will be scheduled for Senior Interviews in August.


July Visit colleges. Arrange tours and interviews. Complete College Track Rubric (see required forms icon). Stay involved and active over the summer.


August Attend Senior Interview and turn in all items due from College Track Rubric. Accelerated Reader requirements should also be completed at this time.


Senior Year Timetable


Beginning in September, each senior must make an appointment to discuss summer visits and interviews, and to define more clearly goals and aspirations for college. Each student must keep a record of visits, interviews, College Entrance Examination Board registration numbers, check numbers and dates. There is a great deal of paperwork involved in college admissions procedures, and orderly record keeping becomes crucial.


August All seniors attend their Senior Interview before the school year begins. Seniors must turn in all required materials (refer to College Track Rubric) at this time.


September Senior meetings will begin. The Guidance Counselor will provide an overview of the college process and will discuss the College Track status individually with each senior. Seniors register on-line for standardized testing. Seniors will receive College Profile Worksheets to complete. Request college applications.


October ACT, and SAT Tests are administered. Early Decision and Early Action candidates complete applications. Seniors must attend at least three college visits at Camelot and attend one college fair in the area over the next few months. College Profile Worksheets are due. Individual senior meetings are held and the college application process is outlined. Each senior must ask two teachers if they will write their recommendations. Seniors must schedule college interviews.


November Seniors take the SAT Reasoning Test. Early Decision and Early Action applications are due to colleges. November is the application filing period for the University of California System and California State System.


October to All applications must be completed by students and are sent to the colleges from the January Guidance Office. Check web searches for scholarship applications and deadlines.


December SAT Subject Tests and ACT tests for many seniors. Remember: it is up to the student to check college requirements for standardized tests. It is also the student's responsibility to list all the colleges to which he or she must send scores at the time of the final testing registration. All scores from previous tests are included in these reports to colleges. Early Decision and Early Action decisions arrive from most colleges which have these plans. The Guidance Counselor will meet with each senior and their parents to give an update on the college process before the break.


January Early Evaluation and Rolling Admissions decisions arrive. The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) may be submitted online after January 1st. Senior Midyear Reports are sent to colleges from the Guidance Office.


March-April College notifications arrive.


May May 1st is the Candidate's Reply Date. Advanced Placement Tests are administered during two weeks in mid-May. Graduation ceremony!


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